Sunday, January 10, 2016

076 Surprising celebrations

Surprising Celebrations for the January 11!

Happy 2016, dear readers. January always seems to me as the “blah” month. I am as bad as a ten-year-old hoping for snow. If you remember, I am the one Savvy Broad who loves snow. 

So far, since the weather is not cooperating, I figured it was time to play on Google and make January a bit more fun. Doing a search for January 11 (due date for my blog), I found a number of interesting items that are considered noted activities on this date.

Here we go:

1. Secret Pal Day
Now declared worldwide as a day to do something nice for a special friend--something small, thoughtful, and unexpected. Send a card (unsigned), drop some homemade cookies in their mailbox, or call someone you didn’t catch up with over the holidays.

2. National Step in a Puddle and  . . .
    Splash Your Friend Day
Research did not provide the origin of this celebration, but most mentions were from southern states. Guessing that there are more puddles in the south in January than elsewhere in the U.S. Just for fun, look at the ecards sites for lots of funny and sweet pictures of friends splashing friends. 

3. Clean Off Your Desk Day
Oh, dear! I gotta do this one! The average home desk, says the celebratory explanation, harbors more germs – about 400 times more – than the average toilet seat. I have no idea how valid this research is, but I believe that in this season of colds and sneezes and coughs, cleaning the desk (not just tidying) but really disinfecting your desk (and keyboard and mouse and phone) is worth doing! Dusting doesn’t do! Grab your Lysol wipes.

4. Hot Toddy Day
This might be just the drink to have while cleaning your desk! The drink originated in Scotland to make the taste of Scotch whiskey more palatable to women who did not like the smoky flavor. There are many recipes using whiskey, brandy or rum with different additions for taste--honey, lemon, and cinnamon are often options. Here is a basic recipe: 2 oz. of whiskey, 1 tbsp. honey, 4 oz. of hot water, 1 slice of lemon. This is a basic alternative to cough syrup according to

5. Milk Day
The website called MooMilk about the dairy industry is fun for the whole family. Cows, games, dairy news, and a poll. Grab the last few Christmas cookies, a glass of milk and guess outcome of the poll,“favorite use of milk.” Your choices are cheese, butter, beverage, or ice cream. (The poll results were ice cream 62.6%, cheese 20%, beverage 12.7%, and butter 4.7%.) The dairy industry is not delighted that dessert and cheese come before the once-touted, most important drink for your body and bones.

6. Human Trafficking Awareness Day 
This serious event worth noting is dedicated to raising awareness of sexual slavery and human trafficking worldwide. Adopted by the U.S. Senate in 2007, the United Nations is also highlighting this topic for global awareness.

7. And, finally, we will be celebrating Savvy Broad Frances’s birthday somehow. Poor Frances, birthday in January when she prefers sand and sun! May she have a happy day!

That’s it for this week! 

Regards, Glenne              

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