Sunday, March 20, 2016

086 Reveal Codes

Why Not Reveal Codes?

Every so often, I get frustrated with Word and wish it had "Reveal Codes" that I had enjoyed back when I used Word Perfect.

The formatting symbols that appear in the text in Word when I click the ¶ icon in Word do not give me enough information.

I probably remember "Reveal Codes" in a rosy glow--giving it much more value than it had. It has been a while!

When I googled "Reveal Codes" and "Word", I discovered that the two word processing software programs are configured radically different, and the Word software is incapable of having a feature such as Reveal Codes. I also found much advice about using Styles in Word to have more control, but the learning curve seems too steep for me.

But,Wait! I am not going to devote this blog to bitching about Microsoft. After endowing "Reveal Codes" with such great power, I wondered why it isn't available elsewhere.  Think of the situations when Reveal Codes would be invaluable:

People are impossible to read which is what makes them so fascinating! So I guess I will keep grumbling and using Word.                                                                                                                                 And Rory, the Reveal Codes Superhero won't be making an appearance any time soon!                                                               Trish                                                               P.S. I am too cheap to buy Word Perfect when Word comes with the computer!

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