Sunday, April 3, 2016

088 This drug?

Do I Really Want To Take This Drug?

Do you have one of the many viruses prevalent right now? OR is it a virus? Is it an infection that could really use antibiotic help? Do you have some chronic medical problem that requires prescription meds on a daily basis? 

If your answer is YES to any of these questions, do NOT listen to the mild-voiced narrators on drug ads on TV who lists all the problems that could arise from the advertised wonder drug while the ad runs. 

You may never want to take drugs again!

So, I repeat: is the cure worse than the problem? This blog is meant to be “tongue-in-check” humor, yet the contraindications of well-advertised drugs are true and are scary.

With many, many, many viewings of said TV ads, it is easy to become a bit paranoid . . . or if you are comedian, (like Steve Martin or Jeff Foxworthy--Google their monologues), you may have created a whole comedy routine on medication side effects.

Here is some basic information, dear readers.

Medicine (pharmaceutical drug) is the use of a legal drug to treat or cure an illness. A note (prescription) from your doctor is required.

There are also OTC drugs (over the counter) which you may choose yourself. Penicillin is not one of them. (Sadly!)

Dosage is also important. This tells you how much to take. If you take too much, it is called an overdose. An overdose can damage your liver or kill you.

Indication is the reason why the medicine is given. Some drugs have more than one indication - e.g. acetaminophen is for both pain and fever.

Contraindication is why a drug should not be given. Almost all drugs have contraindications. These contraindications are also called “side effects” and we do not want these. 

Read your prescription bottle and any accompanying information. 

Read the warning labels. 

Ask your doctor about side effects.

If I were really clever or quick enough at memorizing, I would try to make this list into a song with a familiar tune. Please let me know what music would work! 

And isn’t it ironic that constipation and diarrhea are on the same list!

Stay well! Glenne      

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