Sunday, May 29, 2016

096 UnReal housewives

The unreal housewives

I hate to admit it, but I am a fan of the TV series, “The Real Housewives of . . .” I watch most of them--New York City, Beverly Hills, Orange County. I have no idea why, but I rarely miss an episode.

The excuse I use for watching is that I love to see the clothes, hairstyles, houses, cars, and the cities where they live. It is sort of like the men who used to say they read Playboy for the articles--sure.

Even though we cannot relate to the grandeur of their lives, we see that they are definitely not without struggles. We are privy to their very public divorces, affairs, bankruptcies, family squabbles, addictions--much like the situations of average people.

The main difference is the money. Before they get on the show, they have to prove they can afford the lavish parties, trips, charitable events, and all the trimmings. If they can manage the finances to get on the show, many have built on the experience and profited by products they sell. In addition, some of the housewives have moved into other entertainments area, including talk shows, so it can sometimes be very worthwhile for them.

One aspect that drives me nuts is the constant conflicts that are part of the series. It is disconcerting how they will verbally spar over many minor disputes and continue the fracas for many episodes. Just when you think it is settled, someone just has to bring it up again. I want to say--“Get over it ladies! Conduct your petty disagreements in private!” But I guess the show wouldn’t be as juicy or appealing.
What really makes me angry at myself is I sometimes take sides on the disputes that can be mundane or serious but often turn into hysterical confrontations. “Why would she say that, she is a total idiot, that is not true” are observations I often verbalize -- hopefully when no one else is around. I haven’t reached the point of actually writing them down and sending them to the reunion shows--yet! But sometimes I get the urge to make a comment--so far I have suppressed it and I hope I continue on this track. I could always turn the TV off but somehow I don’t.

It would be more interesting if they would show what the ladies really do each day instead of the tedious infighting and growling at each other. Some of them have jobs that could be entertaining and informative and much better plot choices. Occasionally they do show some work places but not nearly enough.

There used to be charitable fundraisers that the women would sponsor, but those seem to have been replaced with social events where the women bring up old issues to cause a scene and ruin the evening. There have been exotic trips where someone just has to bring up a sore subject one more time. I can’t imagine spending that kind of money, and the evening goes down the tubes or the trip is ruined--that just doesn’t seem real!

But this is the state of TV programming in 2016 where reality shows are more inexpensive to present than scripted ones. We the public take the bait and off we go for another season of verbal scuffles and loud retorts. Every once in awhile I think maybe they are right, and we all should just shoot off our mouths when we are upset with someone--but then reason kicks in and I know it would never work.

Sometimes I fantasize about a Winchester reality housewives series, but I am afraid we wouldn’t draw the audience as we go to the grocery store, eat dinner at local haunts, and discuss the latest health problems--definitely not the stuff of the Real Housewives!



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love it Frances! I also have a bit of an addiction! Felt so sad for Dorinda lately! See, I hear you. I could be doing very something valuable, but no.... NJ, NY are must see TV! Love the Manzo spin-off! God help us all. You made some great points, and made me giggle!
