Sunday, January 15, 2017

128 Mother-daughter bond

Debbie Reynolds & Carrie Fisher

A famous mother-daughter duo both passed away within days of each other. Shocking this country and probably the world. A documentary, “Bright Lights,” became available at the same time which sheds so much light on the relationship.

Debbie Reynolds and Carrie Fisher were not the typical run-of-the-mill mother and daughter – both, of course, were famous in their own special ways as actresses, entertainers, singers, dancers. And they never stopped performing even to their dying days.

The bond between the two of them was inspirational as well as unbelievable. Most of us daughters don’t have the opportunity for such a relationship with our moms due to many circumstances. Often distance is a problem as the miles separating us can’t be overcome with a physical presence. Plus immediate family obligations take center stage as they should.

But these two ladies managed to stay co close until both their lives ended abruptly. It seems so tragic but after watching “Bright Lights” about their lives, it seems appropriate. Try to see this program as soon as you can.
The two lives were so intertwined in so many ways, and the son and brother, Todd Fisher, helped to keep them running smoothly in all their many escapades. They even lived next door on the “compound,” as they referred to it. It was a rather quirky place as it was depicted in the documentary which made their lives all the more interesting with historic items from the entertainment world a part of their everyday lives.

I wish I has seen the TV special before their lives ended, but maybe I wouldn’t have paid as much attention until their almost simultaneous deaths. The show added a depth of understanding of why the two were so very close. Both were so talented and so clever that it was a given that they were be revered and mourned after their deaths as they were before.
So many family relationships are depicted as quite the opposite, especially of the famous brand, where mothers, daughters, sisters, brothers, and others are estranged and hurl insults and nasty jabs at one another. 

One touching scene was when Carrie was taking care of her father, Eddie Fisher, who had left the family for another actress which made headlines many years before. She was very tender in her care of him even though there had been many difficult times with the family, involving drugs and addiction. Again that shows true love, forgiveness, and understanding of this family.

Debbie and Carrie appeared to say whatever they wanted to each other with a great deal of love and compassion. They didn’t sugar coat their feelings but had them out there for all to see.

It makes me miss my mom and wish I had more time with her to talk, laugh, and share, but my mom left this world in 1998 about this time of year. She was ready to go after an illness that she tried to ignore. There are many times I want to call and ask her about something she knew, and I wish I had paid a little more attention to the details.
I urge all of you if you still have the opportunity, find out all you can from your family members --- they won’t be here some day.

I am reminded of a local mother-daughter duo that were also very close—they ran a local restaurant and lived in the same house. It was very entertaining to see the interaction daily between the two at the local diner. Not sure of their exact ages but they nearing the senior citizen stage. They also died in a short time frame from each other – one in July and the other in September of the same year. There must be something about the bond that affects the life expectancy.

Debbie and Carrie were lucky to have each other every day for so many years in such a close relationship. It is fitting that Debbie followed Carrie in death for she probably could not have survived without her, and it would have been the same for Carrie. 

It is such a loss for the rest of the family especially Carrie’s daughter. Her memories of these two amazing women must sustain her in the days and years to come.
Can you imagine the havoc those two are causing in the afterworld! 
Keep it up ladies.


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