Sunday, December 27, 2015

074 Light frenzies

Christmas Light Frenzies

I stopped channel surfing recently to watch a program about people who have taken to decorating their yards for Christmas to a stupendous level. 

It amazed me how many hours of work, efforts, and enormous numbers of lights go into these displays. The creativity and the amount of “stuff” that can be crammed onto a house and yard is astounding.

The usual explanation is that the design grew and grew over the years, that people expect them to do it, and that they love doing it for the children.

I don’t make a special effort to drive around and look at these displays, but do enjoy seeing such yards when they are on my route.

On my evening walking route, I walk the same route so I have been able to watch the neighborhood decorations grow as Christmas approaches. 

The funny thing is that I usually comment that the tastefully decorated home is much nicer, but I find the over-the-top decorations are much more fun. 

Maybe not cheating when this many?

The inflatables are interesting and often make my dog Tootsie bark, but don’t they seem like cheating?

Luminaries are nice because often a neighborhood cooperates to set them up, but wind, rain, and snow can ruin the effect.

wonder, though, what is it like to live across the street from one of these mega-displays. There must be a huge number of cars driving by as soon as the sun goes down. If the neighbors of the light-frenzy displays have windows that provide a view of the dazzling spectacle, I bet blackout curtains or shades or plywood cover those windows!

Thanks to those home owners who remember what it is all about.


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