Sunday, April 5, 2015

036 Random Thoughts

Random Thoughts & Questions

A Personal Log

Hi, there, savvy friends. No ranting this week. I am sharing with you some items from my list of questions and thoughts I have been compiling since we “broads” decided to start our blog. Some I had thought would turn into a whole blog, but aren’t of enough depth. 

Such as they are, I hope some of them will make you laugh, others provoke conversation, and yet others will appear just plain weird. (Maybe this will be true because I am bit of a comedian with sociological/psychological interests and, sometimes, just off the wall.)

Have you ever thought about these: 

1.  Do you ever get absolutely amazed at the words that come out of your mouth that you did not know you would say? I do. Sometimes, it is so pithy and erudite, I am proud of my brain. Other times, I can’t believe that I didn’t duct tape my mouth!

2.  Why both ISIS and ISIL? (Warned you that this is random!) I worry about this. So, reading the NY Times, I have come to conclusion that the first IS = Islamic State and the second IS = Iraq and Syria. Those who call it ISIL include the area known as the Levant which includes Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Israel. Now I am really worried about this which leads me to the next thought/question?

3.  What the heck is Netanyahu up to? Even the New York City Jewish community is divided. And I must read more about him as his name does not say JEWISH to me. This leads me to our Congress –

4.  We have two term Presidents – why not two term Senators and Representatives? I wish the Pew Research Center would study this. Would it be better or worse if terms were limited? It’s certainly not good now!

5.  Reality TV – why is it so popular? A decade ago, I remember conversations about how this fad would pass. It was a cheap way for producers not to have to pay stars. Now I am hooked on Dancing with the StarsThe Bachelor, and cooking competitions. What’s the explanation? Is it that these reality contestants are the American dream updated--anyone can make it?

        6.  Which arm rest is mine? 

           In the theatre, on the plane? 
           I am left-handed and need to know this!

7.  Animals can get nervous and depressed. Do they ever commit suicide?

9.  Are there now or were
there ever B-sized batteries?

8.  Robert Durst! If you haven’t been reading about him, it’s the best true crime murder mystery around! Check out the TV series called “The Jinx.” OH, MY!

10.  Walt Disney Studios give children false expectations and hopes. Not everyone gets a prince. Disney tales should be balanced by Grimm Fairy tales with “grim” messages. Life is not always “happily ever after.”

11. Should marriage vows be changed to reflect the times? “Forever” does not seem to be as long as used to be. Half of all marriages end in divorce and 40% of mothers are unwed. Need I continue?

12. HEALTH - Exercise is good; portion control is necessary. I wish bacon, eggs, coffee, and chocolate would get resolved. And what’s all the “new” info on breast milk?

13. I think cancer is hereditary – as least the genetic tendency toward. Am I right or wrong?

14. Why do I still worry about my 35-year-old daughter? She’s had her act together since she was 17, but I still worry. 

When she and her husband went to Africa on safari this winter, I stayed up all night watching their flight on flight tracker. Like that did a LOT of good!!

15. How do people really see me? Would they ever tell me the truth? I worry about this sometimes, and other times, I don’t care at all!

16. I do not like the beach. Most people do. I don’t like sand or strange things in the water. I do not like camping. It’s too much like work and there are bugs. Wonder what percentage of people agrees with me? Not many, likely, as hot weather activities seem to be thriving. Besides, why did Noah let those two mosquitos on the ark?
17. Jealousy. I am green with envy about people who grew up with a passion in their lives and pursued this career successfully. I still don’t know what I want to do when I grow up, but I keep the doors and windows open.

18. Teenagers. I don’t think they are any worse than they have ever been. Schools and rules have changed. People are more likely to sue if something happens. Teens actually have less freedom than we did in the 1960s and 1970s. Back in the 400s B.C., Socrates was worried about teenagers. Seems nothing has changed. He said, and I paraphrase, they love luxury, ignore authority and are lazy. Civilization will be ruined. 

19. Dog lovers and cat lovers. I am a dog lover. (Remember Mad Max, my wonder dog?). I admit consider cats arrogant flea bags. What is it in our personalities that make us choose one pet over the other? 

20. Mothers and daughters. Fathers and sons. I do not want to be like my mother, but people tell me I am more like her as I get older. OH NO, OH NO, OH NO!!! I think I need therapy.

There you go! Hope you savvy folks enjoyed some of these. I m continuing my list. If you liked this, let us know and some more will be shared. It’s a long list! I could have added bad grammar, but I think that gets a whole blog – SOON. I would sign up for the grammar police (if only it existed)! 

Thanks for reading.


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