Monday, March 30, 2015

035 March!

Maudlin March

Will this month ever end!

One of the longest and most annoying months, March, just doesn’t seem to  want to end. The weather is tricky, spring won’t come, and it is hard to find direction. I have never liked it and find it more offensive as I get older.

Of course it has to be one that has 31 days! It won’t stay warm enough to really get into yard work or other outside chores. In addition, the wind blows so fiercely at times  outside exercise is a struggle.

One day it will be sunny and warm and the next cold and windy.  You just don’t know what to do --- rejoice in the nice days and revert back to winter doldrums on the bad

There are a few bright spots --- St. Patrick’s Day March 17 --- which gives cause for celebration, displaying every shade and shape of green. 

But  it is short-lived.

For those who grew up Catholic, you may remember St. Joseph’s Day March 19. Our priest, when I was a child, was named Joseph so he celebrated the saint’s day each year and granted everyone a break from Lent, which is a time for giving up something you really like and no celebrations – another reason to love March.

A positive is my husband’s birthday  on March 12. While several celebrations by family and friends  help to brighten the days, the calorie intake is far beyond normal.  We always end up talking about diets --- sometime they happen but usually not.

March is one of the few times that boots and sandals take up residence in the closet.  Boots are on the way out hopefully, while sandals are making a stand for days to come. Also heavy coats and spring-weight jackets battle it out for dominance in an ever-changing weather pattern.

Spring sports are also  hung out to dry as tennis, golf, track, soccer, and others are often canceled due to extreme weather. My husband, a track team member in college and track coach later, as well as my children who both played on school tennis teams kept me out in the March madness of wind and cold. And then on other occasions, the sun came out with a vengeance so that sunscreen, shades, and drinks were required.

The Ides of March is often bantered about as a time to dread --- March 15 --   for  Julius Caesar, of course. I don’t think anyone really understands what it means but in this dreary month, it is remembered.  Most resources say it really isn’t that memorable except for Caesar’s warning. 

And of course, the most dreaded deed of the month is preparing taxes – federal and state (although Virginians have until May 1 to file state taxes so I can put that off a little later.) I always write myself a note in February to start, but it usually doesn’t happen until the  middle  of March; this year it was March 21.  I pull it all out the papers  on the dining room table so I will have a visual that says, you are behind again.

I wish I could come up with more positives about the month besides a few holidays and my husband’s birthday, but I can’t.  Maybe one of you will help out.  Send me your positives so I can dwell on them next March.

As we bid farewell to March, I breathe a small sigh of relief and hope that it will leave like a lamb because it came in like a lion, and I revel in the fact that probably there will be no more snow--but I am afraid to even think that so forget I said it.  


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