Sunday, September 6, 2015

058 Labor Day

Labor Day--Why and When

Well, dear readers, I learned something from writing this blog! The government’s philosophical mission statement says that the first Monday in September, created by the labor movement, is a holiday dedicated to the achievements of American workers who contributed to the strength and prosperity of the United States. That is nice though it does not tell the labor movement story.

Here is just a bit of the labor movement story – or the story behind the story. Seems there were two men with last names pronounced alike. Matthew Maguire, a union member machinist from the Central Labor Union of NY, made a proposal to hold a rally and a picnic. His union adopted his proposal. The year was 1882 and the month September. 

Almost simultaneously, Peter J McGuire, general secretary of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and co-founder of the American Federation of Labor (AFL) proposed a holiday in September to honor those “who from rude nature have delved and carved all the grandeur we behold”(AFL historical records). The year was 1882 and the month September. Both groups went ahead with their plans.

McGuire wanted a parade; Maguire wanted a rally and family outing.  and {parade pix} On Tuesday, September 5, 1882, crowds began to descend on New York City. Journalists suggest that over 10,000 people marched in the parade.  Side note: Why Tuesday and not Monday in 1882? 

Apparently, the men worked on that Monday, checking in with their labor union reps to make sure it was really all right to participate. Then they began heading into the city on Monday night and Monday’s plans were held on that Tuesday.

By 1896, President Grover Cleveland, aware of the growing labor movement, declared a national Labor Day holiday.

Okay! So Labor Day has been consistently celebrated for some 133 years. Somewhere along the way in my school years, I do not remember being taught this origin. 

I always “assumed” (and you know what we say about THAT) that Labor Day signified the end of summer holidays and the beginning of fall clothes, fall sports, new crayons, school, and . . .

yes, especially football – leading to significant brain changes for some people. 

I remember my grandmother taking white slipcovers off couches and chairs and rehanging dark, heavier drapes. Time to get ready for fall and winter. No more white shoes! Heaven forbid! I did a little research the reason for “no white after Labor Day.” The answer from several websites is that Labor Day marked the return of the wealthy from their Newport cottages to the soot and dirt of the city. Heaven forbid their summer whites would be soiled. { In all honestly, though, if I had those white shoes I wouldn’t want them dirty either!

Over the years, I am sure there have been labor union festivities, rallies, and demonstrations along with the fun of a day off. These I did NOT research as that would be too much labor! 

In keeping with the spirit of this 133 year old holiday, we will be doing nothing. Banks closed. Post office closed. Oh, maybe we’ll grill something.

Have a safe and peaceful day!


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