Sunday, December 15, 2019

233 We're having a retirement!

We’re Having a Retirement!

By Teri S. Merrill 

“I think I may want to do something environmental, like take a master naturalist class,” my husband told me the other day. 

I nodded my head in agreement, but if a thought bubble could be seen over my head, it would read: “How does my Type A husband switch from being a full-time professional to watching butterflies?”

We were discussing what type of activities he may want to explore following retirement. And until that moment, I had never considered how much retirement planning feels strangely similar to the months before the birth of a first child. Now, however, we are simply pregnant with possibility about what comes next. And just like the pregnant couple we were almost three decades ago, we have more than a little trepidation.

His retirement has been announced, his successor is being sought, and in the meantime, we wait, talk, plan and wonder. People now stop us at community events or in the grocery line, congratulating us and asking when the big event will happen. 

We get excited about the trips we may take, the friends we can finally spend quality time with, the new things he will learn, and the flexibility we will have. But most of the time, I’m left thinking to myself: Is this really going to work?

That’s because his career in health administration has been a dominant force in our lives. Even today, my husband still works most weekends, is fully engaged in his demanding job, takes great satisfaction from his efforts, and sacrifices time with family and friends to get the job done. 

The prospect of my husband going from full throttle to no throttle is a bit like going from a full house to an empty house. The quiet of his career will be deafening at first, just like the cries of our newborn daughter. But eventually, we’ve been told, the cacophony of silence will be welcomed.

My husband takes comfort in those who tell him they miss the people, but not the pressure of work. Multiple retired friends and acquaintances have shared that Sunday afternoons are so much sweeter, and Monday mornings are now just another day of the week.

We are also doing a lot of reading, but instead of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” we’re devouring articles about “Living Your Best Retired Self,” or “Retiring with Meaning,” or “Best Volunteer Jobs for Retirees.”

We’ve announced the big news to our families, friends, and coworkers. The date is unknown but drawing ever closer. We are making lists and cleaning out closets. We are doing our due diligence and trying to prepare. All that needs to happen now is the actual event. 

Just like new parents in waiting, we are excited, nervous, and ready to jump into this new, unknown world ahead of us. And just in case…I’ve already planted milkweed to draw in the butterflies. 


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