Sunday, March 15, 2020

245 Rube Goldberg housekeeping

 Rube Goldberg housekeeping or Trish robotizes everything!

I am a great fan of Rube Goldberg and his fantastic creations. So . . .

My husband was delighted on Christmas Day to discover he had given me a Rumba robot vacuum cleaner. (It happens every year--he is happy for me to purchase my own gift. Ain't guilt great?)

I have been enjoying using it ever since. Tootsie, the hyper Jack Russell, stares at it for a few minutes and then leaves the room! She was my one concern.

The Roomba is not perfect in picking up everything but my floors are cleaner than ever before!


Can you imagine a hovering bot that dusts? It would have to have a very delicate touch. In fact, when I first thought about it, I thought a robo-duster going amuck would make a great insurance commercial!

There is already a robot that washes floors--maybe next Christmas!

But there are many more household tasks I hate. How about a drone bathroom cleaner?
And the toilet paper dispenser would have a sensor that would alert a drone to replace the roll! One might as well operate the plunger too!

Don't you think a drone could be trained to load and unload the dishwasher? And add soap and start it, of course!
And changing lightbulbs. Especially those really high ones!
I could probably come up with quite a few more, but you get the idea. I think I might also need an air traffic controller robot to manage a house full of busy drones.

Perhaps I should just develop a human-sized robot butler who could do all the household chores. And cook too!

Savvy Rube Trish             

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